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Friday, May 30, 2014

SUPPER C2 groups G and E

Dear students,

Your clumsy teacher had accidentally activated the restrictive option ‘only blog members’ on the supper entry. No wonder there were no comments! That’s fixed now… I apologize. Well, Li has very kindly sent me the information about the Chinese restaurant (name and how to get there).  If I’m not mistaken, during revision time, around 20 of us have said we were going to go and we agreed on meeting at the restaurant on Tuesday 10th at 9pm. If you did not attend the revision session last Thursday or if you had already left when we discussed the event, please either write me an email telling me you’re coming or post a comment on this blog entry by Monday evening so we can make reservations.

I’m attaching Li’s email with all the information.

Looking forward to seeing you all next Tuesday!

Li's email:

Hi Raquel,

The Chinese restaurant we were talking about is called "Kirin", located in Torcuato Luca de Tena 46, Tel.: 971 24 32 10, close to the school. You can find more information and map here:

See you on Tuesday!


  1. I'm coming too! see you there. Nuria

  2. Has anybody reserved? Li.

  3. Ok, Raquel, I've already done it. I've reckoned 20 people as you said. See you tomorrow at 9!

  4. Li, are we really 20? four more students have sent me an email that they're coming. Perhaps we should reserve for at least 25, just in case?

  5. Reyes, Nuria! Wonderful that you're coming. We'll have a ball!!! :)

  6. Hi everybody. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend this meeting. As a member of the Teatre Principal chorus, I will be rehearsing our next production: Turandot, from 8:30 to 10:30 or later. Have a nice time!

  7. I am coming. And Maria Magdalena too.
    See you tomorrow!

  8. Joan, what a pity you can't make it... Hope to see you again in the near future. Congrats and good luck on your performance!

  9. Raquel, I've explained the Chinese girl that the number can change, MORE or LESS, and she hadn't any trouble with it :)

  10. Hi everybody! For those who are interested in, this is the menu of the supper (in Spanish):

    * Rollitos primavera
    * Arroz blanco
    * Arroz tres delicias
    * Tofu "Kirin"
    * Pollo picante
    * Cerdo agridulce
    * Pastel de Cerdo con Pan
    * Berenjenas salteadas
    * Pasta de arroz salteada con verduras
    * Espárragos salteados
    * Gambas con verduras
    * Fideos chinos con verdura
    * Pato pekinés
    * Cangrejo
    * Guo Tie (empanaditas a la plancha)
    * Lubina con salsa china (una salsa oscura y agridulce). Lo aclaro, porque hay otra muy parecida con una salsa con naranja, pero que no me parece tan rica como la primera.

    I hope you are ready for having another try with your friends or family!

    1. I'm having troubles uploading my comments. I'm saying this just in case you see my message repeated three times xDD

      Thanks so much for everything, Li! The restaurant was awesome and we had a great time :) Have a wonderful summer!!
